selection of previous performances
released end of september 2015: the Mole-Rat, an emf audio device, see: here
14 july - 14 august 2015 , gj prins: square wave cavity, soundinstallation, at galerie hodynka, moscow, russia, for: black squared, groupexhibition
june 27, 2015, set up for a show with peter van bergen, bálász pandi and gert-jan prins, at festival bruisme, poitiers, france
february 26, 2015 @ stedelijk museum, amsterdam, nl, opening sonic acts: bas van koolwijk: visuals, and gert-jan prins: drums
february 6, 2015 @ de player, rotterdam, nl, launching the tetra gamma circulaire for art rotterdam
january 31, 2015, installing the black smoking mirror screen @ transmediale festival, berlin, hkw auditorium, black smoking mirror, by prins & van boven
stripe: pneumatic shape: cocky eek, dance: kenzo kusuda, sound: gert-jan prins, june 8, 2014, mediamatic, amsterdam, nl
walzkörpersperre, a 35mm movie by prins & van boven will be shown in the vertical cinema project,
on january 24, 2014 at iffr, rotterdam, and stedelijk museum, amsterdam, nl, more info here:
december 2013, NEW: the Synchronator ColorControl, more info at: SynchronatorCC
flussi festival, avellino, italy, gjp & sec_toxy, 29 august 2013
vertical cinema, filmset of walzkoerpersperre in the dunes of ijmuiden, nl, 4 nights in june 2013,
premiere: october 12, 2013 @ festival kontraste, krems austria
electronic set-up, martijn van boven, white laser on bunker,
may 25, 2013, sesd event in basel, switserland, sculptural electronic sounds discs, live cutting, 20 years of werkraum warteck,
basel bar, live product, sesd classic box 10 copies worldwide + big player product, peter fengler,
live product, gijs gieskes, dennis de bel
gert-jan prins, live at the yukunkun club, beiroet, lebanon, april 2013, photo: tanya traboulsi
the synchronator orchestra featuring:
gert-jan prins, bas van koolwijk, billy roisz, justin bennett, tina frank, jéròme noetinger, sonic acts, paradiso, amsterdam, february 22, 2013
cavity: the shielded
version, a new installation-work-in-progress by gert-jan prins,
rf signal blocking tent
presentation @ hear it!, stedelijk museum, amsterdam, nl, april 28,
cavity: the shielded version,
(2010, work in progress), 3 x 3 x 2,20 meters, installation,
metallized textile, aluminium tubes, static.
Onomatopee 39: Cavity: the Capacitive Version By Gert-Jan Prins, Publication + 10 inch Vinyl OMP39
see: Presstext
selection of
L e
o n a r d o Magazine,
Ars Electronica 2003,
Honorary Mention Digital Musics
Wire on Gert-Jan Prins,
januari 2003